From Stage Fright
To Stage Hero !
How to overcome nervousness and turn prospects into customers with inspiring stories!
Become a STAGE HERO!
Stage Fright Training
Learn how to deal with nervousness before a presentation. From preparatory routine exercises to a specific blackout scenario, all aspects of “stage fright” are covered.
Public Speaking Training
Learn how to set up a presentation or speech effectively and which aspects will significantly improve your next speaking project. This comprehensive training also includes the areas of storytelling and stage fright.
Storytelling Training
Learn how to use storytelling to make your sales presentation stand out from the competition and convince the customer. In addition to the concepts of storytelling, we will prepare your next presentation individually.
About Georg Schmidt
Georg has been working on phonetics, phonation, speech and language exercises for speakers, actors and singers since 1982.
Why is someone at the age of 10 already dealing with such topics? The explanation is simple. Georg stuttered as a child and his biggest goal was to master this challenge. And if the pressure is high enough, you deal with such topics as a child 😉
Later, he developed an increasing enjoyment of presentations and speeches. He has been active in speech clubs since 2004 and founded a speech club in Shanghai/China in 2008.
Over time, he realized that stage fright and speech anxiety had become completely irrelevant to him. So he started to help people with stage fright courses.
For some years now, he has been fascinated by the possibilities of storytelling, so this became a focus topic for him.
Professional speaker and voice training rounded off his training. Since then, he has been helping companies and people in the areas of rhetoric, stage fright, storytelling and sales pitching.
Contact Us
Steigern Sie Ihren Umsatz mit der Kunst der Geschichtenerzählung: Buchen Sie noch heute einen kostenlosen Beratungstermin!
In der heutigen wettbewerbsintensiven Unternehmenslandschaft ist es wichtiger denn je, sich von der Masse abzuheben. Und eine der besten Möglichkeiten, dies zu tun, ist das Geschichtenerzählen.
Ich zeige Ihnen, wie Sie die Macht der Erzählung nutzen können, um Kunden zu überzeugen und mehr Geschäfte abzuschließen.
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